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Use Apple TV

The Virtual Keypad App for Apple TV enables you to view your system’s cameras, view recorded clips, and activate your automation favorites. This app can be used with one system or with multiple systems.

Note: The Virtual Keypad App only works with 4th generation and newer Apple TVs.

To use Virtual Keypad through the Apple TV App, complete the following steps.

  1. From your Apple TV’s home screen, use your remote to open the Virtual Keypad app.

  2. Once the login screen loads, enter your Virtual Keypad email address and password.

  3. Select Log In.

  4. If your login credentials are associated with multiple systems, select the system that you want to access.

  5. The app’s home screen loads with options to view Cameras and Clips, to activate Favorites, and to Logout.

To log out of the Virtual Keypad app, select Logout from the app home screen.

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