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Schedules allow you to program the time you want your system to arm or disarm each day of the week. You can also schedule when you want your Z-Wave favorites to activate.

To create holiday dates, log in to the Virtual Keypad web app at

Types of Schedules

  • Arming Schedules (Permanent Schedules)—Enable automatic arming and disarming. Arming Schedules always occur at the same time until you change or delete them.

  • Extend Schedules—Allow an authorized user to extend the present day’s permanent scheduled closing time.

  • Favorite Schedules—Schedule automatic activation of Z-Wave favorites.

  • Output Schedules—Schedule when an output turns on or off.

  • Sunrise/Sunset Schedules—Use the system’s zip code to stay synced with sunrise and sunset times throughout the year. You can use the app to add this feature to favorite and output schedules. If you would like your devices to activate before or after the default times, enable the offset feature and specify an amount of time for the offset.

  • Temporary Schedules—Used as a single use schedule to work in tandem with arming schedules.

Add a Schedule

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Schedules.

  2. Press the refresh button in Virtual Keypad to sync the schedules with the panel.

  3. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Add or Create, depending on your system.

  4. If applicable, select Create a favorite schedule or Create an output schedule.

  5. For favorite or output schedules, select the favorite or output that you would like to create a schedule for and fill in all the times.

  6. For all other schedules, enter Times, Areas, and Doors.

  7. After you’re done adding the schedule, tap Save.

Prefer a Video?

In this clip, we’ll show you how to add Schedules in the Virtual Keypad App.

Edit a Schedule

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Schedules.

  2. Tap the schedule that you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes, then tap Save.

Delete a Schedule

Note: Only output and favorite schedules can be deleted.

  1. Tap the Menu icon and select Schedules.

  2. Tap the Edit icon, then tap Delete.

  3. Tap the Delete icon in the row of the schedule that you want to delete.

  4. To delete the schedule, tap OK.

  5. Tap the Close icon.

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